Oversharing – New York evicts Airbnb

October 25, 2016
Ah, to be Airbnb, a $30 billion company replete with policy and lobbying talent that nonetheless stunningly misplayed its hand in New York. On Friday governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law some of the toughest restrictions on short-term rentals in the country. Specifically, the entire-apartment rentals of less than 30 days that have been illegal in New York City since 2010 can no longer even be advertised. Airbnb says the bill was created to target it and that seems right, especially because Airbnb has for several years refused to comply with existing state law, and local officials weren’t too pleased with that. Now hosts can be fined up to $7,500 for a much more visible offense….
Source: http://tinyletter.com/oversharing/letters/oversharing-new-york-evicts-airbnb-bill-gurley-slams-food-delivery-startups-and-self-driving-budweisers